I work in the area of cybersecurity and privacy. I studied business information technology as well as mathematics at Darmstadt Technical University before receiving a Master of Science in computer science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA. I then received a Ph.D. at Ruhr-University of Bochum in the area of applied data security, and finally an MBA at Henley Business School. I co-founded ESCRYPT which was acquired by Bosch in 2012.
I’m currently the Vice President for Cybersecurity and Functional Safety at Lear Corporation, America’s largest automotive supplier. I’m also adjunct faculty at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and chair Mcity’s cybersecurity group. I founded and co-chair escar USA, and I’m a member of the University of Michigan Dearborn’s Computer and Information Science (CIS) Professional Advisory Board, a member of the University of Michigan Dearborn’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for the Cybersecurity Center, and a member of the Center for Automotive Research’s (CAR) Technology Advisory Council (TAC). I also support the Uptane initiative and serve on Uptane’s Board of Directors, and vice-chair SAE’s Vehicle Electrical System Security committee.